The Haney Group Observing Recent U.S. Market Gains

17 вересня 2013, 07:24
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The Haney Group advising clients on new opportunities as positive news from the United States spurs restored interest as the markets start to see gains.

The Haney Group is a boutique equity research and management firm based in Hong Kong founded by a diverse private wealth consortium of financial professionals, with a combined knowledge of the stock markets, tax legislation, legal compliance and market analysis. Priding themselves in giving the very best service to their institutional investors, high net worth individuals and private investors recently advised clients on recent developments within the US market.

The Haney Group observing this weekend the release of the US Dept. of Labor Non Farm Payroll Report was, as suspected a shot in the arm for the US economy and its securities market in particular, confidence cannot be overstated as a key component of the market's performance. US Treasuries have risen after 10-year yields rose to a two-year high. The US economy continues to improve, US Stocks are certainly on the rise and many of the current low stock prices look very attractive right now.

The announcement of an additional 195'000 jobs in the US as continued evidence of the wisdom of investing in the growth of the US marketplace. Gradual and continuing growth in the overall health of the US economy is what has been allowing the gains and returns manifesting themselves in the markets. Looking at the Dow Jones (DJIA) this is a continued series of dependable returns over the year to date.

"As we look forward to another trading day on the US markets confidence couldn't be higher. This has been borne out of continuous good results and key indicators of increased overall health in the US economy, whether you're looking to increase your current holding of US securities or getting involved for the first time, this week has opened up new opportunities, "stated a senior market analyst at The Haney Group.

With the overall unemployment figures dropping and the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing programs set to continue for some time longer, giving rise to great potential as indications show that this looks to be key time for implementing new strategies within in the last five years to take up diverse positions in US securities. Friday's trade saw the DJIA gain 0.98% $ 147.29 by close of business.

"Our institutional clients have been benefiting greatly with holdings in the Dow and no one is suggesting anything other than expanding these ahead of renewed gains, when it comes to smaller investors we recommend the same advice as we would to any client, diversify. Multi diversified investment portfolio eliminates risk and gives a client's portfolio more security, we are seeing exceptional returns under these conditions and want to encourage more clients to this way of thinking, "added David Roberts, Senior Vice President with The Haney Group.

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ТЕГИ: the haney group,,hong kong,press release,David Roberts
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