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MANHATTAN -- Millionaires across New York State are banding together to ask for more taxes.
About 100 wealthy New Yorkers, including actor Mark Ruffalo, say they want to do their part to help the state out of its budget crisis, and they are encouraging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to extend the so-called millionaire's tax.
"Many of us New Yorkers are troubled that you're giving a $5 billion tax cut to 2 percent of New York's most wealthy, while cutting $9 billion from education and social services for the rest of New Yorkers," Ruffalo said in an online video addressing Cuomo.
"Please, ditch this backwards Robin Hood plan and give all New Yorkers a fair shake."
The millionaire's tax, which is slated to expire in April, takes about an extra 2 percent in state taxes from individuals making over $200,000 a year or families making over $300,000.
A group called New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness sent an open letter with about 100 signatures to Cuomo and state legislators Thursday urging them to renew the tax to avert the budget cuts.

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