Вооот, оказывается, какие праздники люди отмечают
Piña Colada cocktailThe Piña Colada is a classic tropical cocktail with rum, pineapple and coconut milk. This classic recipe will transport you to paradise. In honor of National Piña Colada Day this Wednesday, here's our simple recipe. Getting caught in the rain is not required.
1.5 oz Light or gold rum
2 oz Coconut milk
2 oz Pineapple juice
Garnish: Cherry and pineapple wedge
Glass: Hurricane
Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake, and strain into a Hurricane glass. (You may also blend all the ingredients with crushed ice instead.) Garnish with a cherry and a pineapple wedge.
Check out Liquor.com for more rum recipes and Piña Colada variations:
Kingston Colada
Coconut Colada
Don Julio Colada
Piña Colada cocktailThe Piña Colada is a classic tropical cocktail with rum, pineapple and coconut milk. This classic recipe will transport you to paradise. In honor of National Piña Colada Day this Wednesday, here's our simple recipe. Getting caught in the rain is not required.
1.5 oz Light or gold rum
2 oz Coconut milk
2 oz Pineapple juice
Garnish: Cherry and pineapple wedge
Glass: Hurricane
Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake, and strain into a Hurricane glass. (You may also blend all the ingredients with crushed ice instead.) Garnish with a cherry and a pineapple wedge.
Check out Liquor.com for more rum recipes and Piña Colada variations:
Kingston Colada
Coconut Colada
Don Julio Colada

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