Бундючні англійці. Хто з ними спілкувався? Я з одним їхав в купе... (парафот)

22 грудня 2012, 18:48
Власник сторінки
Цар, ватажок народів

Потягом №172 "Запоріжжя-Київ" Давно це було. В сьомій ранку наливаєш такому півсклянки "Солнчєв Бряг" (справжній, не пальонка), а воно каже своєю клятою грейтбритською - TO EARLY! :) :)

А чи насправді вони такі бундючні? :) :) Van Helsing на днях тут викладав савєцькі фотки часів Брежньова, а я, так, повистьобуюсь теж. ;)

Фотки трофельні, довоєнні. Фоткав

William Vanderson

1. Finishing School Students, London, 1936.
1. Finishing School Students, London, 1936.
2. a loving couple stroll along the embankment, london, in the sunshine on the first day of spring with their arms round each other, 1935.
2. a loving couple stroll along the embankment, london, in the sunshine on the first day of spring with their arms round each other, 1935.
3. A seven-week-old Persian kitten peers into a goldfish bowl, 9th October 1972.
3. A seven-week-old Persian kitten peers into a goldfish bowl, 9th October 1972.
4. A keeper at London Zoo with two chameleons decorating his cap, 13th October 1936.
4. A keeper at London Zoo with two chameleons decorating his cap, 13th October 1936.
5. The transport of a swan. A pet swan named Leila being helped into a car where it enjoys a ride to the shops. its owner Mrs. Watson of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, says that Leila, who has been a family pet for two years, can open doors and is a good guard dog, England, 1936.
5. The transport of a swan. A pet swan named Leila being helped into a car where it enjoys a ride to the shops. its owner Mrs. Watson of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, says that Leila, who has been a family pet for two years, can open doors and is a good guard dog, England, 1936.
6. Three Windmill Theatre dancers enjoying the sun on the beach at Angmering during a break in rehearsals, 1952.
6. Three Windmill Theatre dancers enjoying the sun on the beach at Angmering during a break in rehearsals, 1952.
7. The transport of a swan. A pet swan named Leila being helped into a car where it enjoys a ride to the shops. its owner Mrs. Watson of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, says that Leila, who has been a family pet for two years, can open doors and is a good guard dog, England, 1936.
7. The transport of a swan. A pet swan named Leila being helped into a car where it enjoys a ride to the shops. its owner Mrs. Watson of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, says that Leila, who has been a family pet for two years, can open doors and is a good guard dog, England, 1936.
8. Balancing Act, August 16, 1952.
8. Balancing Act, August 16, 1952.
9. Sailors and Jersey Girls on a NJ beach, 1935.
9. Sailors and Jersey Girls on a NJ beach, 1935.
10. Pupils at the annual Summer School of the Margaret Morris Movement exercising near the sea at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 1938.
10. Pupils at the annual Summer School of the Margaret Morris Movement exercising near the sea at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 1938.
11. 8th May 1936: East London Schools Hurdles champion Grace Adams racing on the Poplar street track in preparation for the annual contest.
11. 8th May 1936: East London Schools Hurdles champion Grace Adams racing on the Poplar street track in preparation for the annual contest.
12. The Whitwood two-wheel, two-seater “monocar” in Ealing, London. The 7 foot 8 inch long vehicle reaches speeds of 94 mph.
12. The Whitwood two-wheel, two-seater “monocar” in Ealing, London. The 7 foot 8 inch long vehicle reaches speeds of 94 mph.
13. Able seamen at the Royal Navy Anti-Gas School at Tipnor, Portsmouth play leapfrog wearing gas masks, to accustom them to carrying out strenuous tasks in respirators. 22nd January 1934.
13. Able seamen at the Royal Navy Anti-Gas School at Tipnor, Portsmouth play leapfrog wearing gas masks, to accustom them to carrying out strenuous tasks in respirators. 22nd January 1934.
14. A young boy with two life size dolls in Hyde Park, London.
14. A young boy with two life size dolls in Hyde Park, London.
16. Peanuts street game. London, 1938.
16. Peanuts street game. London, 1938.
17. A soldier shooting in the Hopton Cup at Bisley shows his boots' steel studs, 1936.
17. A soldier shooting in the Hopton Cup at Bisley shows his boots' steel studs, 1936.
Думка експерта =

  • Роман Михайлюк Сегодня, 11:24 0
    Друга, шоста, четверта, №19, 20- так собі, особливо- третє котофото- фтопку), А решта- подобаються, деякі- навіть дуже... І історично, і саме як фото- приємно переглянуть підбірку.

    7-17- десять фото як на підбір, кайфові- спасибі)

Взято тут = http://photographers.com.ua/lenta/topic/podborka-rabot-fotografa-william-vanderson-3608/
На цій мажорній ноті, прощаюся не на завжди, справи, вибачте, 22-30, хорошої ночі і удачі в койкє. ;)

The Doors - Alabama Song (Whiskey bar)/Love me two times

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