это даже круче чем космонавты)))
В общем этот чувак прыгнул уже почти из космоса, с 31 киллометра ))) видео внизу)
On August 16, 1960, Joseph Kittinger jumped his last ... all »
Excelsior jump, doing so from an air-thin height of 102,800 feet (31,334
meters). From that nearly 20 miles altitude, his tumble toward terra
firma took some 4 minutes and 36 seconds. Exceeding the speed of sound
during the fall, Kittinger used a small stabilizing chute before a
larger, main parachute opened in the denser atmosphere. He safely
touched down in barren New Mexico desert, 13 minutes 45 seconds after he
vaulted into the void.
The jump set records that still stand
today, among them, the highest parachute jump, the longest freefall, and
the fastest speed ever attained by a human through the atmosphere.
Somewhat in contention is Kittinger's use of the small parachute for
stabilization during his record-setting fall. Roger Eugene Andreyev, a
Russian, is touted as holding the world's free fall record of 80,325
feet (24,483 meters), made on November 1, 1962.
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