The worried Italians on the economic situation

06 вересня 2013, 08:06
Власник сторінки

The worried Italians on the economic situation

The Italians are worried about the Economic Outlook of the country for 2012.

One person in two is pessimistic about the crisis, said the main trade group of the country.

According to the survey conducted by Conferescenti-SWG, 48% of Italians are pessimistic on the situation from 33% in 2010, while 36% predicted that the impact on their families will be more serious in 2012.

Only 17% believe there is some sort of economic improvement in the near future, compared to 24% who had a positive view of the previous balance

Therefore, Conferescenti found that Italian consumers have responded with caution as 83 per cent have reduced their spending, especially on clothes and shoes as well as household items and holiday, while only 5% have increased their spending in balance 420

The Italians require also "more courageous" steps to reduce public spending and boost growth, said the Organization, which represents more than 270,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in trade, tourism, services and other sectors. mblw1593
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РОЗДІЛ: Плохие пользователи
ТЕГИ: New Balance,574
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